The Best Don’t Brainstorm

How to Craft
High Performance Ideas Without
Hours of Brainstorming


Exploit The Idea Time Machine to Overflow Your Content With Golden Ideas.Enter your email below and I'll send you the guide for free.

The Idea Drought is Coming.

It’s never been easier to stand out.

The best creators shine above the rest.It’s never been more important to have a golden bank of high-quality content ideas..But before I bore you to sleep, let’s see if this is a match for you.If you do not relate to one of the points below, you can leave this page.- You dream of changing the lives of others but struggle to get your message in front of those who need it.- You engage for hours but still don't get the eyeballs your posts deserve.- You already have an audience, but they don’t “blow up” your posts.- You have followed common advice of “networking” and “consistency” with little results.

Who's Trung?

I’m a writer, podcast host, and audience builder.

I’ve been writing content for two years.I built an audience of 800 diehards in my first two months on X.But I started from zero like everybody else.

I hated writing in school and I hated brainstorming ideas when I began writing content.

That hatred toward writing and ideation made me realize one thing.

Ideation is the backbone behind the best content.


1. Standout Content Relies on Standout Ideas

Ideas and writing go hand in hand.Every post starts with an idea.Run out of ideas, and you’ll have no content.But not all ideas are the same.Standout ideas simplify the writing process.You stop the scroll because your content is unique.It's one of a kind.But to brew scroll-stopping content, you need standout ideas.

2. Shallow Content Gets Drowned Out

People recycle cookie-cutter content.They shove the same messages down people’s throats.People are drowning this out.Everybody sounds the same.Everybody shares the same stuff.It’s never been easier to stand out.You must take advantage of this.People are dying for fresh ideas.

3. People Lose Interest Quicker Than Ever

One. Two.That’s how fast it takes for someone to leave you behind.It’s never been easier to get unfollowed.The big guys are taking all the eyeballs.The small guys are drowned out.People leave when they notice a dip in quality.You must refuse to get drowned out.

The Quiet Storm

The Little Known Technique To Craft Standout Content

In late August I found my groove with writing.But I hit a wall.My ideas began to run dry. It took me longer to brainstorm.I made a quick switch.Instead of pulling ideas out of thin air, I built an organized process.- To simplify
- To save time
- To post banger after banger
- To attract my dream audience
The result?Tripled Eyeballs on my content.A community of diehards who drool when I post.A flooded content bank of high-performance posts.My name getting talked about without me being there.Just by being my own news reporter.With my process, you can crank out ideas that outperform your expectations without wasting hours brainstorming.This is what we’ll exploit with The Idea Time Machine.This is what we’ll exploit with The Idea Time Machine.

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Introducing: Ideation Mastery

Craft High Performance Ideas Without Hours of Brainstorming.

Here is what’s inside:

The Idea Time Machine

High-performance ideas don’t come from thin air.Most creators sit at their desks hoping an idea pops up.They aimlessly throw darts into the darkness.What’s worse?They end up using the same bland ideas.People want fresh ideas.Fresh perspectives.They’re tired of the same cookie-cutter content.But how do you jump lightyears ahead of everybody else?

The Idea Time Machine

  • Pull high-performance ideas out of the dark.

  • Grab ideas from your childhood to yourself 30 years from now.

  • Weaponize yourself as the anchor behind your content ideas.

  • Craft ideas so unique people sprint to your posts on the timeline.

BONUSES: (5 Goodies)

Your 3 Pillar Events
(Your 3 Evergreen Stories)

People are dying for unique creators.What makes you unique?Your life events.How you felt during them.What you thought during them.Tap into these and people will sprint to your page.We’ll dive into 3 pillar events you can use on repeat to attract audience members.

The Standouts Circle (Leap Months Ahead in Progress)

Everybody sounds the same.Copying frameworks.Copying other creators.Copying the same advice.It’s time for a new group to take charge.Standouts.I built a new community to push back against the masses.Improve your writing.Meet other aspiring standouts.Membership is exclusive.

The Idea Recycler (Use The Same Idea Dozens of Times)

The secret to never running out of ideas?Use the same idea, but frame it differently.Most think once you use an idea you can’t use it again.They miss out on huge potential.There are DOZENS of different angles that come from a single idea.I break down 3 tactics to unlock every single angle for you to squeeze the juices out of every single content idea.

The Toilet Framework (Turn A Bland Idea Into a Captivating One)

Creators are shooting themselves in the foot.They toss hours of brainstorming down the drain.Most think they need an interesting event to build an interesting post.Wrong.You don’t need to be a superhero to be interesting.You don’t need rapid growth to be interesting.You can write about sitting on the toilet and make it interesting.How?The Toilet Framework.

My Swipefile of High-Performance Posts 2.0 (My Best Stuff)

My first two months on X were a whirlpool.I tried everything to get eyeballs.I’ve spent 20+ hours tweaking and experimenting with my content.After all that time, I know what works and what doesn’t.To save you weeks of wasted time…I put together all of my best tweets into a swipefile for you to aid your creation process.In it, you’ll find surefire posts that are built for one reason:To attract hungry tribe members.

Erase Creative Block

I had zero experience.I never used X before in my life.But I tested like a scientist.It took me weeks but I found a life-changing discovery.I solved my own creative block.The hype I’ve built around my content on X backs this up.Now I'm here to help other creators break through their own creative blocks.I hope to see you inside.

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